Group News

Through the help of the SA International Central Office, I am in contact with an SA member here in Tanzania. Your work in serving the fellowship is saving lives. The translator of the AA Big Book into Ki-Swahili lives in Tanzania. He took me to the Ki-Swahili AA meeting. On the shelf of the room was a book describing sexual addiction! Soon our SA White Book will be on that shelf.

Jim E., Africa

Greetings from the Philippines! I came home here in September after making trips to Toronto, New York and Los Angeles, after I finished my two-year stay in Italy. I am happy to inform you that I immediately contacted those who still want to recover from sex and lust addiction and tried to work with newcomers. Hopefully a new SA group will start among us, one that each one can call his/her home group and each one can be accountable to.

Bobby S., Philippines

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