What’s Going On in SA

Service Opportunities

Many service opportunities are open at the national level. All committees need members from the fellowship to come forward and serve. Some service requires special talents — such as, the Legal Committee. Most committees just need time and the willingness to serve.

Can you make a phone call or write a letter? The Loners Committee needs your letter writing talents. Loners are found all around the world. Expand your horizons. Share some experience, strength, and hope with a member who is without a group.

In addition, the position of Chair of the Loners Committee will open next summer. Michael J. has given faithful service to Loners for the last two years. It is time to pass this service to another member.

If you feel called to the Loners Committee, write or call Central Office.

Become an Essay Representative

Service in SA is a tried and proven way to maintain and enhance sexual sobriety and get progressive victory over lust. With this in mind, being an Essay representative is another good opportunity to do service at the group level.

  • The Essay representative serves the group by making members aware of the Essay, the quarterly newsletter / “meeting in print” of Sexaholics Anonymous.
  • The Essay rep serves the Essay by making sure that copies of the Essay are available on the literature table at all times, even after the initial group subscription is sold out. The rep promotes each issue, and encourages group and individual subscriptions.
  • The Essay rep is engaged in active Twelfth Step work. The Essay contains personal recovery stories, group news, and a calendar of events and good solid SA tools, and is an extremely helpful resource to members at all levels of recovery. The Essay rep may also bring stories from the Essay to the group’s attention as possible meeting topics.

If you’re interested in serving your group in this way, all you have to do is volunteer at your next business meeting, or let your group know during the announcement section of your next meeting. For more information, write to the Essay Committee, C/O the International Central Office.

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