Dear Essay page


Reaching Out to Our Sisters in Prison

Dear Essay,

I’ve read the letters of many imprisoned females seeking help for our addiction. I have had the privilege of sponsoring someone in prison, and it has been a gift and a blessing to my recovery. I have been able to watch awareness of the disease grow as this member works through the Steps and becomes increasingly willing to surrender.

Unfortunately, it is often difficult to establish a connection with females in prison. Letters to facilities made specifically for women may not get past their sometimes more strict filters, for example, even if that female has written to SAICO asking for help. More work needs to be done, in this area, to be sure – so if you are a female SA member who has interest in helping out, please reach out! You may contact me at

In service,


Stephanie F., USA

In Gratitude to My HP

I recently took a journey into my future with my uncle who is a life coach. We did an exercise thinking about my priorities. He asked me what I would do if I had 7 years to live. I wrote down my thoughts and ideas. Then, he asked what I would do if I had just 7 weeks to live. I wrote down some more ideas. Then 7 days. And lastly, 7 hours.

For that last one, I thought about spending time with my wife, doing spiritual actions… and then the thought popped up, I might just take in some pornography: my last 7 hours on earth.

Even with 2+ years of sobriety, these are the thoughts that come to me, a “self-certified sexaholic.” All I can say is, “Thanks to my HP for keeping me sober.”


Yaakov K., New York, USA

Sharing a Little Poem

Thank you for your great work. Here’s a tiny gift back in the form of a little poem that came to me after a lot of conversations with newcomers:

Gaining fast
Your trust,
With my past
Full of lust.

In fellowship,

Josef Z., Vienna, Austria

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