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Sober Travel in SA Recovery

In the June issue, read about the tools and tricks fellows from around the world practice while traveling during the holidays.

The Fellowship Is the Substitute

This American old-timer traveled all over the world to carry the message and found out that relying on God and his fellows
has never let him down.

Using the Tools Shifted Her Vision

She had to do multiple trips to the doctor to treat a health problem. On the way, she spotted a tiny creature which helped her
to shift from living in the problem to living in the solution.

An Untitled Poem

Jim wrote an untitled poem filled with puns while being on the road some time ago.



June 2023 edition: Sober Travel (Stories due May 1) 

What tricks do you have to stay sober on the road and in the air during the holidays?

August 2023 edition: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them (Stories due July 1)

Share the strategies your home group has to welcome and keep new members. 

October 2023 edition: Relapse Prevention (Stories due Sept 1) 

What can we learn from those having long-term sobriety today in order to safeguard our sobriety?

December 2023 edition: Holistic Recovery—Healing Had to Come About in All Three (Stories due Nov 1)

“Sober Is Not Well,” we’ve come to see in recovery. How to develop a recovery for the whole person?


Opinions expressed in ESSAY are not to be attributed to SA as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by SA or by ESSAY.


While we provide the full version of each magazine on PDF, as well as six selected articles in 10 different languages on our website at no charge, it is not free to produce. To support the ESSAY magazine in carrying the SA message worldwide, please make a contribution on

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