Can you help? SA’s Board of Trustees is served by a number of committees who assist it in administering the policies and decisions of the General Delegate Assembly. One of these is the Legal Committee whose mission is “to advise the Trustees on legal matters affecting the Fellowship.” (SA Service Manual, ch. 13, p. 2)
SA is a worldwide Fellowship and the issues that come before the Legal Committee are varied and sometimes unique. As the task of the committee is rather specialized, it seeks members who have the necessary training and experience to undertake the work assigned by the Trustees. In addition to relevant life experience related to resolution of legal issues, the requirement for membership is 3 years of sobriety and adherence to the SA Statement of Principle.
The application form for service on Trustee committees is found at Chapter 12, page 6 of the SA Service Manual or may be obtained by contacting SAICO. Completed applications should be sent to SAICO. Inquiries may be addressed to Gary L. at gary-iowa@juno.com.
Thank you very much for passing it on to members you know that could match this service description.
Gary L., Iowa, USA