We Have an Effective International Organization
What a wonderful fellowship we have! Whenever someone reaches out, SA is there. Through a dedication to service by members like you, we have an effective international organization to keep us available to the next newcomer—and to all of you.
Meeting Registration. Our ten-year census registration ends on April 10th. If your meeting isn’t registered, do so today, because the same database of meetings will soon become the only source for the Meeting Finder on sa.org. Doing this puts the power of the web in your hands to keep your meeting information up to date for newcomers to find you.
New Literature in Work. The Literature Committee works constantly to provide materials that are useful to us all. They are working on books and pamphlets through a slow and careful process to make sure each piece truly reflects the voice of our fellowship. Two new pieces will soon go to general readers for comments. If you would like to participate as a reader, contact SAICO. You can find all of our literature on sa.org.
Conventions. We are officially post-COVID now, with international conventions lined up twice a year. They are marvelous opportunities to meet with hundreds of people like you, gaining Experience, Strength, and Hope you can get no other way. You can register now for Krakow in July 2023 and Jerusalem in January 2024. Watch for Los Angeles in July 2024 and Dallas in 2025.
Finances. Please keep contributing through your local meetings, intergroups, and regions—and make any extra contributions directly to sa.org. Remember: we accept no outside donations, so our finances depend completely on us. This is a difficult year for us, with inflation raising the prices on everything we do. It’s up to all of us to make sure we can continue to provide the services we do.
Chat with the Trustees. We continue to hold quarterly Zoom sessions to chat informally with the Trustees. You can meet your trusted servants and find out how they think. Watch for announcements through your regional delegates and intergroups.
Service Work. In July, three of our seven Trustees end their service. If you’ve got over five years of recovery, consider volunteering for this essential service to keep SA available and active for all. If you’re not yet there, then take your recovery to the next level with other service, at your local group, Intergroup, or Region. You can also contact SAICO about international work on committees. Talk with your sponsor about what you can do.
Web Application Developer Needed. SA is looking for a web application developer to build and maintain our new Meeting Finder. We have a copy of the NA meeting finder, and the task is to modify it for SA. The system uses PHP, HTML, CSS, basic SQL, and the Google mapping & geocoding APIs. Talk with your sponsor about what you can do. If you are interested, contact SAICO to be connected to the IT Committee.
Eric H., Florida, USA — Trustee Chair