Coming in June

Coming Next

Men and Women in SA

NEXT EDITION—The June issue will be on the brave men and women working together on their common solution in the fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous.

Balancing Boundaries
A young Indian lady shares how she came to realize her addiction was in her head and how she established healthy boundaries with men.

Receiving a Pair of 3D Glasses
Her experience as a Kenyan and worldwide member has led her to see that our external differences are outside issues and that SA unity comes first.

Richly Blessed
He feels richly blessed that the previously presumed threat of women in his German meeting has today turned into a great gift.


June 2024 edition: Men & Women in SA (Stories due May 1) Share with us how you and your home group cultivate meetings and socializing activities that are welcoming for both men and women.

August 2024 edition: What is Lust? (Stories due July 1) Its focus on lust is what sets SA apart from the other S-fellowships and makes our fellowship so efficient.

October 2024 edition: Using the Literature of the Program (Stories due Sept 1) Many of us find that reading the AA and SA literature in our own quiet times adds another dimension to our recovery.

December 2024 edition: Sober Dating (Stories due Nov 1) Experience, strength, and hope on sober dating from fellows from all over the world.

Opinions expressed in ESSAY are not to be attributed to SA as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by SA or by ESSAY.

While we provide each magazine on PDF, as well as six selected articles in 10 different languages on our website at no charge, ESSAY is not free to produce. To support the ESSAY magazine in carrying the SA message worldwide, please make a contribution on

The ESSAY Editor

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