The Program of Sexaholic Anonymous is still not available in most of the prisons around the world and in Europe. My addiction made me a prisoner of lust. It was horrible and I was thinking that I threw my life out the window in the pursuit of lust. I can not imagine how hard it must be being prisoner of lust and being a real prisoner at the same time.
One long-term sober member from abroad came two years ago to Slovakia with a big message. He was saying that prison work is really important, people in prisons are lost and do not have the SA program. Imagine that you are addicted to sex, you do not know about the SA program and are incarcerated for many years. What a hopeless state! Since then we started to put a bigger emphasis on SA prison work in Slovakia. We arranged a meeting with the bishop who was head of prison chaplains in our country and he was open to the SA program. Very important for us was to pray for this service and we also visited a very spiritual place to pray together for hopeless inmates. I think that without a lot of courage which our Higher Power gave us, strong support from other members and our sponsors, we would not be able to help anyone.
The next step was that we started working on translation of prison pamphlets and it took us almost a year until it was finished with graphic design and finally printed. Then one member came with an idea that we should organize an open meeting in a prison. Another member said that he knew an AA fellow who comes regularly in the prison to tell inmates about the AA program. He agreed that he would ask this AA fellow what was necessary to go to the prison.
It was amazing how things worked together. The AA member suggested we directly contact a psychologist in one prison which he attended regularly. We contacted the psychologist and she invited us to come and have an open meeting for inmates. Firstly, I did not believe what she said because I heard stories about how difficult it is to arrange an open meeting in prison.
The day of our visit came and I felt really fearful. What can I—a sexaholic who was never in prison and who did not even reach the age of 30—say to these friends in prison who probably crossed much more boundaries than me? However, I overcame my fear and came there with two other SA fellows.
Before us sat 20 inmates, all men. We started sharing our stories and after that they started asking questions. I was surprised. I thought all of them would laugh at us. Some did, but most of them did not. The most surprising thing for me was that after the meeting, some inmates came to shake our hands and to thank us for our courage and message of hope. I realized that for God nothing is impossible and He can use a sick person like me to spread the message of hope anywhere.
There is a solution for sexaholism! In the end we talked with the prison psychologist about future cooperation and open topics like sponsorship through mail, virtual meetings, and Step workshops. We will see what will work.
In this article I wanted to emphasize that in many prisons there are sick friends who do not know about the solution. It is possible to help them. It is possible to bring them the message of hope. If you have a desire to help inmates I encourage you to go for it!
Anonymous, Slovakia