Seventh National Convention in Mexico

Seventh National Convention of SA Mexico

Last October, the Seventh Convention of SA Mexico was held in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez. The convention was attended by 47 SA members and 13 S-Anon members; for several participants this was their first convention and their comments are below. We, the organizers, thank the Higher Power (God as each one conceives Him) for this experience that was so important in our recovery.

The organization of the convention began in 2022, when a committee of trusted servants of the Mexican SA intergroup was formed to plan the convention of our beloved fellowship in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. The planning and organization of the event lasted more than a year— activities like selecting the convention venue, costs, topics to be discussed, speakers, food, fellowship activities, etc. The work was arduous for the organizers, with monthly meetings at first, then every two weeks, and finally weekly. Despite the committee’s lack of experience, the goal of moving the convention forward was achieved thanks to the dedication and care of the members.

At the end of the convention, it was decided that the next one will be in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. See you at the VIII Convention in August 2024.

Francisco, Mexico 

Member of the organizing group


Participants Comments

Attending such an event helped me change my perception of a long-term sober fellow whom I had disliked for not being the way I wanted him to be. Seeing his face, living with him, performing with him, and seeing him act with serenity made that resentment go away and now I appreciate him much more and trust him more. It also changed my perception of another member who gave me a lesson in humility and service by lending me his son’s guitar, which he brought from his city.

José N., Chihuahua, Mexico


I thank God for giving me the opportunity to attend the convention in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. It was a great experience to meet exceptional people that God has placed in my path in the fellowship of SA, who have helped and sustained me in my sobriety and the recovery of my dignity as a child of God.

Sharing my First Step was an act of humility to show how ungovernable my life became because of my sexaholism. Sharing my inventory of sexual behavior in my 50s and at difficult times in my life, due to the death of my mother and the illness of my father, helped me to understand that God had a purpose in my recovery from my addiction to lust.

Attending the convention, despite work demands, was an event that filled me with hope to continue working for my recovery on a daily basis.  I give thanks to God, to the intergroup and to every member of this fellowship who has contributed to my recovery.

 Martín, Merida, Yucata


The annual convention was, for me, an opportunity to meet more SA members in person. The spiritual experiences that were shared and the unity created helped to further expose and deflate my pride. Because of this, I was able to get a sponsor and strengthen my connection with my Higher Power. I return to the program within a framework of greater inspiration, hope, and humility. 

Rafael C, Monterrey, Mexic


To participate in the convention gave me hope since I had the opportunity to learn more about my illness thanks to testimonies from my peers that are longer sober. I came to realize on a deeper level that I can stay sober only one day at a time if I work the program. I am grateful that S-Anon exists, to know that couples can also find a recovery program.

I experienced the strength of group sponsorship in which I was shown different points of view to the same problem. It helped me to take the support of my sponsor more seriously.

Daniel C, Guatemala

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