Elvis and Step Nine

As I worked the Steps, I had difficulty staying focused because I had looked ahead and knew Step Nine was in my future, and I was scared. My sponsor kept telling me, “Don’t worry. When you get to Step Nine, you will be ready.”

My sponsor asked about past events. One I remembered occurred about 30 years prior. In Memphis a friend and I got drunk and thought we’d do some mischief at Elvis’ home, Graceland. We wanted to steal a rock from the entrance. As we were trying to pry one free we were confronted by security. We took off running and managed to get away. I have laughed about that story for years.

While I was chuckling my sponsor said, “Put that on the list.” We got into an argument and while I tried to prove “no harm, no foul” he kept telling me to put it on the list. I could tell he was serious so I did — grudgingly.

Since I didn’t really think I should write this amends I chose to write this one first with lots of puns and humor. I read it to some oldtimers in the program and they just howled.

I thought my sponsor would too. When I finished reading it to him he said, “Well, I’m glad you got that out of your system. Why don’t you write it again?” I just stared at him in disbelief and then said, “You’ve got something specific in mind, don’t you?” He nodded and then said, “And think about adding some restitution.” I was embarrassed and even a little angry.

I wrote the amends again to the Graceland security department. When I was almost finished I stared at the letter. To Elvis Presley fans, Graceland is a shrine. I tried to deface something deeply loved by millions. As I stared at the letter a thought came to my mind: I hurt people. And that is what Step Nine is all about — making things right. I did more research and found a music society associated with Graceland and donated to it. Writing that check and deducting the balance from my account was even more revealing. When I read my amends to my sponsor this time he did laugh and said, “This is great!”

Step Nine is serious business. I’m grateful I had an intuitive sponsor who could see past my fear. And that was what it was. I learned how to write the rest of my amends with the phrase in mind “How did I hurt this person?” I’ve been told Step Nine is where freedom begins and I believe it. What a load was lifted off my shoulders. I was able to restore family relationships, forgive my parents, become a better employee and be a better husband. The promises all come true.

Don’t be afraid of Step Nine. That’s where real healing begins.

Marty, Washington, USA

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