Europe and Middle East Region (EMER)


The Europe and Middle East Region (EMER) of Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) was formed on 8th December 2011 by the vote of five SA Intergroups — in Flanders (Belgium), Ireland, Israel, Netherlands and UK. Six more — Finland, Francophonia (Be/Fr/Lux), Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Spain — have since joined and one (Israel) has left to form a Region of its own. We now join together as a Regional Assembly of ten Intergroup Representatives (IGRs), five General Assembly Delegates and four Regional Officers.

Today, EMER supports about 262 Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) groups and can provide up to four Delegates for SA’s annual General Delegate Assembly in the USA. EMER is funded by donations from its member Intergroups and passes these funds on to SAICO, after covering its own essential expenditure. EMER’s main expenditure is travel for its six officers to the annual Regional Assembly and for its five Delegates to the General Delegate Assembly.

EMER maintains fraternal relations with three neighboring SA Regions:

  • The German-speaking SA Region, which supports Intergroups and meetings in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
  • The Persian-speaking SA Region, which supports Intergroups in seven Iranian provinces and has a very active forum.
  • The Israel SA Region is our nearest and newest neighbor in the Middle-East and is growing quickly.

We are also delighted to be able to support the development of SA meetings in Arabia, Denmark, Greece, Italy and Tunisia. Read blog posts from SA members in Taiwan and connect with those who are in the Chinese-speaking world.

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