My Understanding of My Higher Power

I am Kristina from Germany and sober since March 2016 – one day at a time by the grace of my loving Higher Power. When I worked Step 2 with ‘Step into Action’ I wrote something about my Higher Power. As I search for many years in several religions where I could belong to, I found something very very important about “God of my understanding” who gives me strength: for ME it is a SHE most of the time. So I would like to share it with you:

She is an all-embracing lovingly energy. She is everything, knows everything, she loves me and carries me – as the air or the whole universe.

She is a goddess like “Avalokiteshvara” from the Buddhism who loves all beings and has the mission to heal all beings for being happy. To transform all suffering with her unconditional love and benignity.

She is like a goddess for me and furthermore she has the form of a mother who holds me in her arms, who carries me, shepherds me, quietens me down, protects me, and encourages me – whatever I do or ever did!

Who wants to help me, not to hurt me and others because I am value and lovable.

She gives me unconditional love and is always present for me!!! She even wants to be near me! She is never nerved, furious and censorious but always full of esteem.

When it runs out of the rudder in my life or when I do not follow her suggestions she never criticizes me. Instead she tells me what to do next (like a GPS Dave T. told us about).

She is able to console me, to withstand me and takes a shine to me.

She can also appear in several forms in my phantasy:

As a kind-hearted therapist in a lovely room
As a voice in the air – all-embracing and everywhere as energy
As a hammock…

Also she can speak to me through all beings in the world: as an animal, a plant, child, adult, meeting, stone, water, weather, heavenly bodies – and through music!

She is everywhere and she also resides within ME. She is me and everything.

Sometimes she is God. A father. Lovingly and without crossing frontiers. Fully present for me. Without any expectations that I have to do something for HIM to be near me. This applies accordingly for HER.

She knows everything and loves me anyway. She wants me to feel peace and happiness. She wants me to be a whole human with all feelings!!!

She wants me to bring my talents and light into this world – for the whole community we are in the universe!

Kristina, Germany

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