Stopping Versus Slowing Down

Have you reached the point where you can admit that stopping lusting might be possible, but you cannot slow down? When I first started going to SA, I just wanted to slow down. I was so deep into the lust world that I did not see lust as a problem. I just wanted to stop masturbating compulsively and have a real relationship with a woman.

I did not realize I would have to stop lusting; that lust was the real problem. It took a lot of meetings and relapse to come to the realization that it was just one day at a time.

If I stay connected to my SA program, get a sponsor, and work the Steps around anger, fear, and guilt, then the chances are I will not set myself up to lust one day at a time.

I can’t, God can, so I’ll let Him. It’s too hard to try to stay sober from lust on my own. Without my Higher Power, the group, literature and tapes, using the telephone, getting honest, and SA functions, I don’t have a chance.

Lust is powerful, cunning and baffling. Without God’s help it’s too much for me.

Will L., Denver, CO

From Cape Girardeau, Missouri

By the way our Saturday meeting at La Croix United Methodist is doing well. We have about eight people who come, the most we’ve had at one time is six and it seems to fluctuate. Two weeks ago I was the only one there and last week there were four of us. I think we’ve been going for two years now? If you don’t give up they will come!


Ken S., Cape Girardeau, MO

Get a Sponsor!

I spent the first several months foundering about. I “knew” from AA that I would need a sponsor. I am not proud that I waited so long to ask someone to be my sponsor, and I do not recommend the delay unless you really, really enjoy pain, isolation, and misery. To date, I have never known or even heard of a person recovering without the aid of a sponsor. If you think you might be the first, go for it. But be warned that many of these “Lone Rangers” end up dying of the disease. Delay is dangerous; rebellion may be fatal.

Bill S., South Carolina

Updated SA Website Comment

Hi. I noticed today that you’ve updated the SA website. I last visited the site on or around Oct. 1 when it was the old version. Today I went to the site to reread parts of it, but I found the new version considerably stripped down.

Why did you remove the definition of the Problem and the Solution? Before I found a meeting where I could get a pamphlet it was helpful for me to have my wife read those sections when I first told her about my sex addiction, but if I were to go to the site today I wouldn’t have had those same resources.

I’m sure there are thoughtful, considerate reasons for the changes, but I wanted to let you know how I was able to use the old site.

Thanks for reading,

Matt R.

[Ed. Note: The copyright holder in mid-October revoked SA’s permission to use these materials on our website.]

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