Thy Will Be Done

We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day “Thy will be done” (AA 87-88).

I have so often felt that if only I could achieve a certain level of skill playing the guitar or learn enough history, politics, math, and science as I felt I wanted or needed to, I could then be the person I wanted to be. Then everything would be okay, and I could live a meaningful and happy life. Of course I could never be accomplished enough in my own estimation no matter how well I performed or how much I knew. My accomplishments have never supplied what I really needed.

My addiction drove me to a religious conversion, but I applied this self-centered performance orientation to my spiritual development. It was still all about my will. This was a convenient place to hide from God and from myself for a time, but it was also to no avail.

The Steps tell me exactly how to become humble, let go of self-delusions, and become a useful member of society. The solution is following simple, practical suggestions that anyone can do if they have the willingness.

The solution helps me develop humility. While taking the actions that I can, I rely on my Higher Power for all my daily needs. My shortcomings are not things I’m going to be able to handle myself.

God, please help me to recognize when I’m in self-will. Help me to let go and let You.


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