What’s Going On in SA

Note from the Delegate Chair

I’m Larry H. from Pittsburgh, PA. I’ve been elected as Chair of SA’s General Delegate Assembly. This fellowship is very important to me and my recovery, as well as to my family. I’ve been a member of SA for over 19 years. My sobriety date is 9/1/88.

I believe my main task as Delegate Chair is to communicate back and forth between the fellowship and my fellow servants. In addition to talking with members face to face (at meetings, marathons, and conventions); through Representatives, Delegates, SAICO, and sa.org; I believe that our ESSAY newsletter is another great way to communicate. We are fortunate as a fellowship to have our current editor and editorial committee, who continue the tradition of preparing this “meeting in print.” I recommend that we all take advantage of the sharing assembled in these pages. Part of our Twelfth Step “carrying the message” is doing so within the fellowship. Unfortunately, several members have told me that they didn’t know about ESSAY. Please pass the word around about this newsletter and invite others to read these pages.

Feel free to send any questions/comments to me at saico@sa.org. And please ask your Higher Power for guidance for all of us.


Larry H.

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