Would You Like to Host an SA Convention?

As Chair of SA’s International Convention Committee (SA ICC), one of my many blessings comes at the convention “wrap up” meeting. I try to arrive early so that I can watch the members of the host committee filter in. The joy on their faces says it all. After many months of negotiating, planning, and executing, a collective sigh of relief is heard throughout the room, and it becomes obvious that these people have shared one of the greatest spiritual experiences of their lives.

Tradition Five tells me that each group has but one primary purpose: to carry its message to the sexaholic who still suffers. When the group is an International Convention Committee, miracles happen. As an attendee, the breakout topics seem to be just what I need. As a meeting facilitator, I get an opportunity to share my experience, strength, and hope. As a member of the host committee the experience has at times been quite overwhelming.

I remember one recent convention wrap up meeting in particular. Many of the committee members had already arrived when the SA Convention Chair came in. As soon as he laid eyes on the other members, the tears came. As he wept, his smile grew bigger. This was a man who had truly been touched by a Power greater than himself. These people worked really hard, but it was evident that the measure they gave was the measure they got back.

Has your Intergroup ever considered hosting an International convention? This process is not as hard as you may think. All you need to get started are six key people. We’ve found that people in recovery really want to help. When asked, they jump right in, and before long, those six people turn into 10 or 12.

Our next convention will be held in Portland, Oregon, in January 2015. July 2015 will find us in Chicago, IL. January of 2016 we will be in Sunny San Diego, and Denver, CO will be our destination in July of 2016. Dates are available for January 2017 and beyond.

So if your Intergroup is ready to take the plunge, don’t hesitate. The SA ICC has an abundance of information available to help local Intergroups get started and to answer questions along the way. Hosting an International Convention could be one of the greatest adventures of your life.

For more information, contact saico@sa.org, and we will help get you started.

Tom K., Palm Spring, CA — SA ICC Chair

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