Does It Get Easier?

Someone asked me if it gets any easier as time passes. I have to think about what that question really means to me. I have to think about what it is I’m actually measuring and comparing between my past and my present.

If the question is, “Does it get easier to fight against lust and temptations?” then the answer I must give is, “I really don’t know, but I don’t think so.” I don’t try to fight against lust today like I used to. I surrender lust instead, because I sincerely believe that if I start fighting against lust again, if I start to try to control it myself again using my own strength, I will be back to acting out again. I am powerless over lust. It’s that plain and simple for me. I believe I can honestly say that I have entirely accepted Step One as true for me. So for these sober years I’ve been in SA recovery, I really don’t know how hard it is to fight lust. I just don’t fight it, but I don’t give into it either.

If the question is, “Does it get easier to surrender lust to God and as a result be set free from the obsessions and compulsions?” then the answer is an unequivocal, “Yes!” That’s what Steps Two through Twelve have opened the door to. That is what God has done because He “could and would if He were sought.”

Has it been hard work on my part? Certainly! They don’t say “play around with the Steps.” No, we work them because it only “works if you work it.” But the positive results of working the Steps of the program and increasing my connection with God and others have extended well beyond the problem of lust. And it certainly has been worth it!

Anonymous, Taichung, Taiwan

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