What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2016, Denver, CO

The trusted servants of the Fellowship have had a busy year. In the business meetings held this past week, the following actions were taken:

  • Affirmed 8 Trustees for another year of service: Mitch A., Jim B., Dave H., Michael J., Gary L., Mike S., Bill S., and Gene T.
  • Passed a needs-based budget for 2017.
  • Added new pieces of literature to the Fellowship Approved Literature list. In addition to Home Group, which debuted for sale in Denver, is added Spirituality of Service, First Find Your Dr. Bob, SA is for Women and So, You’re Going to Prison.
  • We successfully completed a trial of live streaming a portion of the convention around the world. We made it able for members in Finland, Poland, the Netherlands, and Africa to listen in to three sessions Saturday morning.
  • The project for developing e-literature has promising developments that we hope to announce before next year.
  • The project to allow countries to save on shipping and handling on literature orders, Print on Demand, is closer to reality. The Assembly accepted the proposal to implement a procedure for countries wanting to print SAICO literature in English. The next step is to create some contracts and have them checked by Legal.
  • The Public Information committee previewed two projects. One is a draft of an information video to be used with speaker presentations to health and helping professionals. The other is a short Public Service Announcement that will be adapted for intergroups, regions, and countries to broadcast locally on cable and TV outlets.
  • The Assembly approved the Statement of Principle that will be published through all available means, including Essay, the SA.org website, and SA literature.

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