Finance Report

Third Quarter 2017 YTD Revenue Report

Over all third quarter YTD revenues are (6.64%) over budget. Within the actual components there are actual variances which should be noted. Based on the current third quarter variance revenue report, we remain optimistic that 2017 revenue results will finish above budget targets as convention contributions and literature sales are offsetting the fellowship contribution shortfall. Going forward into the 2019 budget cycle, there is a continued concern over Fellowship contribution shortfalls.

Fellowship contributions are $20,358 (12.73%) below budget. Historically fourth quarter revenues are slightly above budget, but it is unlikely that they will close the existing variance gap for the year. Negative annual Fellowship Contribution budget variances have been a trend for the past few years.

Convention contributions are $21,802 over budget. This is great news for 2017. No additional convention contributions are anticipated during the fourth quarter.

Literature sales were greatly influenced by the new Step into Action sales. Our first printing (5,000 copies) is sold out. Net literature revenue is (29.21%) over budget.

ESSAY subscription sales have declined as anticipated due to posting free copy on the SAICO web page. The corresponding number of hits on the ESSAY webpage on site is outstanding.

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