About The UK Convention

Greetings from an extremely grateful member, just 9 weeks into SA, and sober in no small part due to the UK November Convention. I am writing to thank you.

I tried to donate the next day, but must have been in good company, as it would not go through. Today I have successfully transferred a donation, as a goodwill gesture in thanks.

I was at just about every meeting, snatching snacks and drinks in the 15-min intervals. I only missed one or two, but had to leave at lunch Sunday exhausted. So I soaked up SA in all her glory. Any manner of tips and principles, on how to live this new life I have espoused.

I have already made friends in SA, and one in particular used to help me get through the long days, and answer issues and questions, privately in the chat box. Between these and the speakers, I absorbed tons of good guidance.

I could not have come across so much in months of regular attendance, even at my usual 3 or so meetings a day. And especially grateful that one meeting had 3 faith-centered speakers, who between the lines might have shared my Faith, although of course they would never say so. I was grateful to relate.

Another meeting had 3 women speakers. This was terrific for me as a woman, to identify with and feel comfortable.

I love SA dearly, it gives me hope where I had none, and promises a freedom I have never known! Peace, joy, fraternity, etc. etc. I wish with all my heart that I had been sent your way 45 years ago.

It was also great to meet so many sober old-timers. Sobriety lengths inconceivable to me! My Dad taught me the old adage that “95% of men [act out], and the other 5% are liars,” from his own life and his mates’ experience. So to meet men who give dates in the 80s and 90s is mind-blowing to this struggling newbie. So I wish to thank you, for all the preceding reasons, and for your excellent choice of speakers.

Lastly, I was totally delighted with the talent show!!! There is comedy on my TV every night, but I am too dour to put it on, not feeling I deserve the recreational time off. I nearly gave it a miss, but was so overjoyed I came. I stayed at the lock-in afterwards, where they let me sing the Regina Caeli short Latin chant, and give over a clean funny joke and then a story. Three acts!

I have never ever ever done anything in a show before. I did pretty well with the quiz too, where years in AA helped with the general knowledge. It was an incredibly rewarding evening, and definitely the part I shall remember the most from the convention. Thank you for this boost in my early SA recovery. I feel much better equipped for the program, and have gone to bed at night far more frequently than prior to my attendance, where sexual panic kept me up.

What a resounding success!!!

Kathie S., Devon, England

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