Looking Forward to Each Issue Like a Kid Heading to a Candy Store

How do I encapsulate what the Essay magazine means to me and my recovery? I look forward to each issue like a kid heading to a candy store. I can’t wait to read each and every article, and typically enjoy a good laugh at the cartoons which invariably include nuggets of wisdom that broaden my recovery toolbox.

The magazine makes me feel a “part of” rather than “apart from.” Whether I am reading an article from an old-timer on how they stay sober one day at a time, an essay from the woman’s perspective, or learning from youngsters, my head nods up and down. I feel that common bond of all of us collectively trudging the road to happy destiny and propping each other up by sharing our experience, strength and hope.

The Essay magazine stands the test of time. I love going back through older issues, and am so appreciative of the digital age that makes it increasingly easy to benefit from those that came before me. The message from those earlier passages resonate with me as if they were written yesterday.

Essay makes me feel part of something much larger than myself, deflates my ego and inflates my humility. The flags from around the world at the end of an article melt away the geographic boundaries and offer comfort as we combat our disease globally.

I love it when I attend our local meetings, or I drop into a meeting anywhere in the world via Zoom, and the chairperson clipped an Essay article for the reading. That article— and related shares—always seem to be just what I need to hear that day.

I have been blessed that the editors have included a couple of articles I have penned. Each piece was cathartic, helped me shed some tears while also allowing me to give back to others.

I am thankful to all those who contribute to the magazine. It takes a global village to pull together such a wonderful resource, and I am amazed at its transformation from one service team to the next.

Bill K., Huntington, NY

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