Coming Next

Coming Next

The theme for the February edition of ESSAY is “The Joy of Service.”

In the February issue, read how fellows from around the world experience the joy they had always been looking for in lust by serving others.

Why I Am Still in SA
An Iranian member explains that he came to SA because he had to be, but he stayed because working the Steps led him to the joy of service.

The Way to the Fourth Dimension
Ameer from Iraq describes how he got from the false multi-dimensional spiritual experience of the addiction to the true fourth dimension of serving others.

The Great Formula
This US lady shares the joy of making SA a good and safe place for women.

Phone Meetings Are Our Lifeline
Juan from Murcia in Spain set up daily meetings to connect Spanish loners.


Themes planned for future Essay editions are:

  • April 2023: Celebrating the SA Sobriety Definition (Stories due March 1)
    Tell us what miracles have happened in your life since you accepted the SA Sobriety Definition.
  • June 2023: Sober Travel (Stories due May 1)
    Which tricks do you use to stay sober on the road and in the air during the holidays?
  • August 2023 Newcomers—How to Welcome Them, and Keep Them! (Stories due July 1)
    What strategies does your home group have to help new members?


We invite you to submit letters, articles and art to Essay, your magazine, accepting that no payment can be made. All submissions are assumed to be for publication. Every submission is edited in order to ensure that it is in keeping with the character of ESSAY; to ensure ease of availability to a readership which will include non-English first language speakers; and to ensure adherence to practical guidelines such as length. All articles submitted become the property of ESSAY for copyright purposes and, if published, articles will be used in the print version as well as the online version of the Magazine. Selected material will also be recorded in English, and may be translated and recorded in different languages. The recordings will be used on the ESSAY website as well as on the ESSAY podcast.

Please do not refer to activities which may be subject to investigation by a legal authority.

ESSAY especially welcomes meeting room photos, artwork and humor. Graphic art and funny stories do enhance our Magazine. For graphics, 300 dpi is preferred.

For anecdotes and memories we guide a length of 200-400 words; for Practical Tools and Steps & Traditions, we guide 400-600 words and for articles on the theme of an issue or SA Stories in general, 800–1200 words. We prefer that submissions be made electronically, sent to Please include author name, sobriety date, address, telephone number, and/or e-mail address so that authenticity can be verified. This information will remain confidential.

ESSAY presents the experience, strength, and hope of SA members. ESSAY is aware that every SA member has his/her individual way of working the program. Articles should be in harmony with the SA Sobriety Definition; this definition will not be debated as it represents the distinguishing approach to sobriety by our fellowship. Opinions expressed in ESSAY are not to be attributed to SA as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by SA or by ESSAY.


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