In my high school there were a lot of international exchange students. I remember people from all around the world coming to Italy with summer clothes even if it was autumn or winter! The same happens when we Northern Italians go to the central or the southern part of the country. Why am I telling you this? In Italy we had a recovery weekend in Rome at the beginning of November. It rained during our incredible walk through the Roman Hills! We thought we could find hot weather, but the only thing that was hot was the radiator.
Despite the rain, the time we spent together was beautiful and full of recovery. There were five meetings (plus an optional one) and a free afternoon, during which people could walk, speak, work the Steps, meditate, and enjoy time for themselves. The main purpose of the conference was to provide a place for SA Italy to meet face to face, and foster “true union” in our nascent Fellowship. We decided to not invite international speakers but rather let our own members speak about surrender and service in a more relaxed way. “I’m annoyed by these topics”–someone said at the end of the weekend–“maybe my HP is telling me something.” When I heard that, I realized this Higher Power was telling me something!!! Basically, Let Go and Let God.
I’ve been in the Program since May 2021. By now surrender should be a strong and daily practice, but it is not. Most of the time I find myself calling and texting fellows, “I need to surrender…” or “I want to bring to the light…” but my inner self doesn’t want to give up my fantasies or unhealthy actions. The solution? Listening to others’ shares and stories, and, through them, letting my HP do His job. Sometimes I forget He has a job and I’m not Him, that I need to stop with this “playing God” stuff. Having a personal, face-to-face reminder in the form of our conference was really helpful. Things change without a screen in between.
What about service? I really like doing it and it makes me feel “part of” instead of “apart from,” but can I really discern when I’m doing it for approval and when I’m doing service freely? What if it was related to my family instead of SA? And what if doing service was an excuse to not work the Steps? For me this is a new thing to reflect on, thanks to others’ shares. “It works if you work it,” they say, and you know what? The more I’m going on with the Steps, the more I’m learning about putting them into action both inside and outside the Fellowship.
Reflections, reflecting and … take the right next action! The Saturday afternoon of our SA conference was really funny and active. We spent time together admiring the amazing view from some hills after a hike: “Is that a lake or the sea?” After a peaceful argument, someone needed to make an amends, we joked, but we were there for that … don’t you think?
The game night on Saturday evening was great! Five different tables with five different table-games where we could laugh hard and learn something new about our brothers and sisters! Whoever won (everybody), received a piece of puzzle, and at the end of the games, we needed to make the puzzle together! What a challenge! It wasn’t easy, but we finished the puzzle! We have just a photo to remember this special moment; however, we have all made keychains out of our puzzle piece just as each of us is part of something larger and more meaningful. Sometimes we sexaholics are brilliant!
Chiara, Bassano del Grappa, Italy