Official Support Boosts SA Growth in Moscow

Since Russia’s Chief Narcologist Yevgeny Brune issued a letter of support to SA on June 27, 2016, the number of weekly meetings in Moscow has more than doubled to eleven.

Brune wrote, “In this modern age of progress, it has become possible to instantly obtain through the internet anything desired (pornographic videos, photos or sexual contacts or services).… the service of Sexaholics Anonymous is very important and urgent in today’s emerging situation.”

The official called upon the narcological centers of the Ministry of Health to allow SA groups access to their meeting spaces and to display SA information.

Thanks to the letter, SA information displays now hang on the walls of numerous such centers in Moscow, with more planned. The plexiglass information stands hang on the walls of these centers next to those of other twelve-step fellowships and contain brochures and informational business cards.

Moscow SA is beginning sharing this experience with the fellowship in other Russian cities. The Carry the Message Committee of the Europe and Middle East Region is hoping this will serve as a model in gaining the support of health officials in additional countries.

“The Brune letter signals SA coming out of the shadows in a positive way, with the support of officials from the healthcare field,” observes Anton, the chair of the Moscow Intergroup Carry the Message Committee. “The letter is helping to inform the public that sexaholism is a disease, and it makes accepting us as recovering persons acceptable.”

Health workers can now picture that there can be life without the affliction of sexaholism and that inspires them to help. Anton adds, “We should increase our cooperation with these high-level specialists to carry the message to the still-suffering sexaholic.”

English and Russian Support and Publicity for Sexaholics Anonymous Letter From Yevgeny Bryun, Russian Chief Narcologist

[Translation into English]

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in his December 4, 2014 message to the Federal Assembly entitled “About the Order to Attract Socially-Oriented NGOs to Address Social Initiatives and Societal Development,” stressed the importance of continued support for socially-oriented NGOs and the utilization of their potential, proposals and experience for the realization of social initiatives for the benefit of both government and society.

Judging from the experience of the governmental agency “Moscow Scientific-Practical Center of Narcology” and other establishments in different regions of Russia, positive results have flowed from collaboration with Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous as well as with organizations that cooperate with these fellowships. The potential of these fellowships is being used in a range of social undertakings toward the prevention of addictive forms of behavior. The fellowship “Sexaholics Anonymous” is part of the world-wide Twelve-Step Fellowship, and assists those who struggle and are seeking a way out of sexual addiction.

In this modern age of progress, it has become possible to instantly obtain through the internet anything desired (pornographic videos, photos or sexual contacts or services). These “new opportunities” and pornographic materials affect the early sexual development of adolescents, increase the prevalence of abortions and destroyed families, and heighten the risk of sexually transmitted disease and the involvement of youth in non-traditional same-sex relationships. In the meantime, while such values as celibacy and spirituality are often deemphasized, the service of Sexaholics Anonymous is very important and urgent in today’s emerging situation.

I consider it essential to render assistance to the fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous by providing meeting spaces for its members and by placing its information at the Moscow Scientific-Practical Center of Narcology.

Y. A. Bryun
Chief Narcologist, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Vice Chairman, Council on the Prevention of Narcotic Addiction, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
June 27, 2016

Russian Letter

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