Edinburgh-Madrid Gratitudes

I am sitting here on a Madrid to Edinburgh flight waiting to take off. Last Friday I walked to the convention center. I knew I had not registered. Having emailed two of the core committee I knew the important thing was that I got to the center. Soon after entering I offered to help the registration team with the influx of 300+ members wanting to register. I became the person who gave out the gift coffee mug to guests. A privilege to do service. The convergence of over three hundred sexaholics brought our joy of living to life. Connections, old and new friends, and the harmony of our Higher Power worked through us all.

My life circumstances led towards the meetings about marriage, intimacy—and connection with God. On the second day my wife called saying she is pregnant. Being shook into an adult with parenthood responsibilities afoot, I asked at an old timers meeting “I am going to be a dad what do I do?” Answers were to have unconditional love for my dear wife. To have single focused attention with baby. Then, on a practical note, to get used to soap and hot water.

The love support gratitude people expressed made me purely buoyantly joyous. Being arm in arm with the man, first sponsor and friend who gave me a white book six years ago brought me full circle. From a lonely masturbator to a worthy sober person. I somehow changed.

Evidently I am not free from my defects or outside issues. All the emotions were stalking my already temperamental mind. Age old 12-Steps teachings were available. Such as, “does it really matter?” How many times a day do I get frazzled about stuff that is not important? Other slogans reminded me that self-knowledge does not help me. Knowledge generally is not safe in my hands.

By Sunday and Monday our recovered friendships moved into love. True laughter—songs and fun. The Convention was over. As I landed, text and calls went out to my wife and SA friend meeting me at airport.

I am tired and also recharged. Due to a recent relocation, we live in the Highlands of Scotland, getting to a SA meeting, these days at least, is normally a remote online mission. The next couple of years will be with wife and child. With providence I pray I can attend the next Scottish convention with my expectant wife. Please say prayers for my wife and child.

Michael S., Moray, Scotland

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