SA CFC in Israel
A brief SA CFC report:
I visited with the Israeli CFC committee (ICFC) and discussed utilizing SA for released prisoners. While there is some support, the rules of the Israeli prison structure condone only officially sanctioned offender programs. SA is not one of them. ICFC is determined to continue identifying potential allies who might be able to bring SA’s message to the bureaucracy.
I suggested they might look into asking a prison advocate apply as an ad-hoc committee member for the SACFC. The ICFC is internally and externally doing the will of the Higher Power, and the SACFC will continue to help provide its support and experience.
We foster hope in prison service. We can’t control outcome, of course, but we are blessed to carry the message to the under served. And through our work, we may get to witness the day when SA recovery arrives within Israel’s prison system.
Humbly yours,
Eric S., SACFC Chair