Humor For SA

Divorce Outbreak

I got married twice before finding my way into Sexaholics Anonymous. I thought those marriages would save me but my best thinking got me divorced.

You see, I have an allergy to lust: I break out in divorces.

The Steps and Car Trouble

I finally have a full Twelve—I compare the Steps to car trouble:

Step 1: I destroyed the car.

Step 2: There’s a Mechanic out there who can fix it.

Step 3: I’m gonna let Him do it.

Step 4: Let’s see what’s broken.

Step 5: Let’s discuss it with the Mechanic and his apprentice.

Step 6: I’m willing to get rid of all the bad parts.

Step 7: With humility, I’m gonna ask the Mechanic to fix it all.

Step 8: Listed all the other cars I bumped and scraped as I slowly killed my car.

Step 9: Went to them and asked forgiveness for the damage I did to their cars.

Step 10: I got the car on the road and kept a safe distance between me and all other cars on the road. If I got into any scrapes, I immediately fixed them and apologized.

Step 11: I got out of the driving seat and let the Mechanic drive!

Step 12: I went out to the scrap heaps and showed other people their cars could become roadworthy again!

Daniel T., Israel

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