Report on the Atlanta IC

The very first 100% online SA/S-Anon International Convention took place from Jan 22 till 24 and was an incredible event gathering fellows from all over the world. There were 955 SA registrants, and 685 S-Anons and 12 S-Ateens, which makes it the biggest IC in our SA history! Fellows from countries where SA has been existing for many years, members from relatively young fellowships, and loners from many places all over the planet joined us to celebrate recovery.

There were four SA meeting rooms in which meetings were being held simultaneously every hour. A real highlight of the weekend was the Fellowship Room.

The technology enabled the creation of multiple rooms where attendees could gather for a variety of purposes: more questions or sharing after one of the hourly sessions, catching up with old or new friends, or support around special topics such as shame, criminal history and many more. Although there were no snacks served, the Fellowship Room captured the dynamism and connection of an in-person Convention.

The topics for the sessions were carefully curated for the needs of our current fellowship. Offering 48 sessions (many with two panelists) over the course of the weekend was a tremendous undertaking and would not have been possible without the many members of our fellowship who volunteered or accepted an invitation to lead a session. Many thanks to each of you. Thanks also to our three mealtime speakers who told their stories. Hope is generated, renewed and strengthened by seeing the arc from active addiction to solid recovery and transformed lives.

If you experienced difficulties or confusion around registration, we extend our sincere apologies. Be assured that improvements will be implemented for the 2nd Virtual Convention, hosted by Salt Lake City in July 2021. May God bless you and keep you—until then.

Kasey K., Georgia, USA

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