A Poem Bringing Light to Other Sexaholics Like Him

I was introduced to SA by another inmate. Initial contact from the SA sponsor team was very helpful. I am now working with my sponsor—brother and friend—who was assigned to me earlier this year. SA has changed my life. Since joining, I thank God both for SA and for those behind the scenes who, along with my Higher Power, are helping me stay sober. Before SA I was weak over lust and my life was unmanageable. I was divorced twice, and I didn’t realize that the reason was me.

SA has allowed me to see why my life was falling apart. It was all because my lustful desires were taking control of me and ruining everything. SA, with the help of God and my sponsor, has helped me regain control of my life by handing control over to my Higher Power.

I am now able to talk to women and get to know them in a way that, in the past, I was neither able to nor wanted to. For this I am truly grateful.

I give God all thanks and to those who do service in SA. I am so thankful that I am a fellow member and I really hope that my poem “Sobering Experience” will bring some light to others like me who are battling addiction to lust, and I believe that with SA and the help of my Higher Power, I will continue to stay sober one day at a time and abstain from all lustful desires.

Sobering Experience

Day after day, Night after Night, I chased the dragon, pursuing a fantasy
while in reality, my life was becoming a Tragedy …

Misguided by the serpent and cunned by trickers, living in a glass bubble,
while my family became indigent, and a resident on skid row,
feeding the dealer, yet taking from my children, missing holidays but never a hit …

Abusing and disappointing those who loved me,
yet taking out my inner frustration on the ones who stuck by me …

Enticed by lust, my heart full of rust,
my life a bust, while my marriage is dust
in the winter breeze …

Married twice, divorced twice, nevertheless my sexual desires controlled me
and my perception of relationships fadedly disrupted like bleach on black …

Unfaithful and distorted beliefs, now I’m alone and regretting my pasts,
seeking guidance and repentance for my wrongs, I’m now taking the 12 Steps,
while remaining sober since January 8, 2016.

Venie W., a friend in prison, USA

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