Discussion Topic

Discussion Topic

What am I, my home group, IG, or Region going to contribute to 2022 – The Year of CFC?

The author of the article “Serving in the CFC Service Chain of Love Has Cultivated a Greater Empathy and Sensitivity in This Israeli Fellow” lays out how he got involved as a sponsorship-by-mail coordinator, what it entails, and how many gifts he has received in return.

He prayed and meditated and became willing to be a partner with God in helping his suffering brothers and sisters in these very confined circumstances.

Have you ever adapted the last question on p. 8 of our White Book to “Could you ever have been arrested for a sex related offense?”

What can you, your home group, IG, or Region do to contribute to 2022 – The Year of CFC? Are you willing to take concrete actions on finding out how you can help the CFC? Can you draw up a list of those concrete actions and provide them with deadlines?

Can you or your home group sponsor one or more friends in prison? Can you make 2022 – The Year of CFC a theme at your local events? Can you invite speakers with prison experience or with being a sponsor-by-mail?

Which 12th Step work can you do to spread the message to prisons or their chaplains and professionals?

How can you collect 7th Tradition contributions to help CFC send books to friends in need and prison libraries?

You may use this topic in a discussion meeting, or send a story of your own recovery journey to essay@sa.org

The ESSAY Editor

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