februari-2023-Starting an SA Meeting in Prison

Starting an SA Meeting in Prison

Starting an SA meeting in prison is not an easy job, despite lust being a widespread problem. Although I had no experience with prison meetings to speak of, I did not let that get in the way. My own lusting experience and service had shown me how we can be uniquely useful to others. 

Following the Tucson Ray written template for contacting prison officials, I wrote an email to the Community Resource Manager at Valley State Prison. The letter clearly stated my reason; three men in Valley State (Chowchilla) had contacted SAICO for help in finding sponsors by mail.

It was apparent to me why I had been led to contact this particular prison. Valley State’s population at the time was comprised of more than 80% sex offenders. After a few high-level exchanges with the CRM Carmen Maroney, Valley State’s warden, green-lighted the meeting. It was the first such organized meeting in the entire California state prison system.

In addition to my own understanding, I had help. A member of the Utah fellowship introduced me to Volunteer Coordinator Lieutenant Tolai Pei (soon retired) of the Utah State Department of Corrections at Draper State. Lt. Pei had been in charge of SA meetings attended by men at Draper and Gunnison state prisons. I spoke with Lt. Pei who agreed to be an early CFC referral.

This portion of the 2016 letter to Ms. Maroney lists SA’s approach along with relevant resources:

The SA approach

We share a common problem. Like the alcoholic or drug addict, we believe lust addiction is addiction to a substance that affects the entire person. Just as for the alcoholic who discovers the solution to the problem* in AA, we see the value of the SA support structure as a crucial step for the sexaholic seeking recovery. 

I have devoted the last fourteen years to sponsoring prisoners in the US who fit this description. What I have learned of these men inside Valley State (Chowchilla) makes me believe in our ability to help them. 

This letter aspires to answer some of your questions in support of your work with the Chowchilla prison community. 

The SA approach in reducing recidivism

SA is for the sexaholic, someone who is powerless over addiction to lust in various forms; pornography, sex and other destructive physical, mental, and emotional behavior. 

We offer support for prisoners and parolees through 12 step sponsorship with visitation, establishing meetings, and through working with chaplaincy and correctional staff. Sponsorship often evolves into long term relationships with these men (and women). In time, we see them reunited with their families and living productive lives. Those who regularly work the SA program virtually assure themselves of not going back to prison. 


With the help of SAICO, I researched the prison and read about its earlier approval of AA for its population, and about the medium level of security. By including some of this information, we were able to demonstrate why SA would be an effective tool at Valley SP. 

The full letter and other SACFC resources are in the SACFC service manual. Contact SACFC Chair Paul Z. or trusted servant Ben V. for availability.

In grateful service,

Eric S., California, USA

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