What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
January 2000, Nashville, Tennessee
and July 2000, Detroit, Michigan

Service Committee Briefs

COMC (Central Office Oversight Committee)

Central Office instituted the SEP IRA pension plan recently authorized by delegates and trustees. Central Office employees thank the fellowship for this benefit.

White Book shipments in 1999 topped 5,500.

NEEDS: SA-sober contact persons around the globe, as a referral resource for incoming SA members.

Essay Committee

Lawrence M. “retired” following ten years service as Essay editor. Dorene S. was appointed new Essay editor. Lawrence continues as an Essay committee member.


  • (1) More Essay subscriptions, so Essay can continue to be self-supporting.
  • (2) New committee members and SA-sober writers.
  • (3) A person to transcribe taped SA talks for Essay publication.

Finance Committee

Year 2000 budget was approved (see Essay, 2000, Issue One, page 22).

New budget item: Partial funding from Central Office for Assembly Delegate expenses. Regions are asked to support their Assembly Delegate for the balance of expenses.

SA has now set aside three months prudent reserve funds.

NEEDS: New committee members, especially with background in finance and budgeting.

Interfellowship Forum Committee

SA hosted the Interfellowship Forum in November 1999. This is a once-a-year forum in participation with other sex addiction fellowships.

NEEDS: New committee members to interact with this forum and share the SA perspective on recovery from sex and lust addiction.

International Committee

The fellowship outside North America continues to grow


  • (1) New committee members from every country where there are SA members.
  • (2) A Spanish-speaking contact person for Spanish-speaking groups in the USA.

Internet Committee

The times, they are a-changing! More inquiries about SA come through the internet and email than by telephone and postal mail.

NEEDS: An email contact person for each SA intergroup area.

Legal Committee

Motion approved to reserve the use of the SA logo for SA-approved literature only. This decision is legally enforceable in the United States. SA relies on the unity of the fellowship to honor this policy in other countries.

NEEDS: New committee members, especially with legal background and experience.

LitCom (Literature Committee)

  • LitCom has completed two pamphlets: SA: To the Newcomer and SA As a Resource for the Health & Helping Professional. The General Delegate Assembly postponed a decision on LitCom’s request to submit the two draft brochures to the fellowship for final review. Discussion will continue at the September 2000 General Delegate Assembly in Chicago.
  • LitCom is currently working on Member Stories 2000, a new and updated collection of the experience, strength and hope of sober sexaholics. About 35 stories have been collected and are now being edited.
  • The next LitCom project will be a new SA 12&12 (12 Steps and 12 Traditions).


  • (1) Readers, editors and writers to assist LitCom members in the development of new SA literature. SA sobriety: reader, one year or more; editor, two years or more; writer, three years or more.
  • (2) Readers and editors to help with completion of Member Stories 2000.
  • (3) Readers, editors and writers to assist in developing the new SA 12&12.

Loners Committee

Ellis P. is the newly-appointed chair of the Loners Committee.

NEEDS: New committee members to correspond with and encourage SA members who have no local SA meetings.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is being expanded to help recruit new SA service committee members.

NEEDS: At least one committee member from each SA service region.

RAC (Regional Alignment Committee)

RAC has been asked to restructure current SA service regions. Their goal is to provide a framework for more effective delegate representation.

NEEDS: Participation of each SA intergroup (or group) in the SA census, to be completed by October 2000. See the enclosed Intergroup survey.

SACC (Sexaholics Anonymous Corrections Committee)

The primary purpose of SACC is to carry the message to sexaholics in prison who still suffer. White Books are provided to inmates free of charge.


  • (1) Contributions to cover the cost of donated White Books.
  • (2) Members to support SA meetings in prisons.
  • (3) Members to correspond with sexaholic inmates.

SSC (Service Structure Committee)

SSC submitted an in-progress draft SA Conference Charter, adapted from a study of the AA Conference Charter. The aim of the charter is to provide a way for SA service to grow from the inside, rather than imposing a cumbersome structure from the outside.

NEEDS: New committee members from every SA service region.

Site Selection Committee

This joint committee with S-Anon selects SA/S-Anon convention sites.

Future international conventions:

Orange, California   January 19-21, 2001
Washington, D.C.   July 13-15, 2001

NEEDS: Intergroup bids for future international conventions.

NOTE: Minimum SA sobriety requirements for these service positions range from six months to three years. If you would like to serve your fellowship by responding to any of these committee needs, contact Central Office for more information.

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