Report on the First Annual European Convention

Over 40 SAs and S-Anons from all over Europe gathered at Mill Hill, just north of London, for the first European SA/S-Anon Convention over the weekend of March 27-29. The theme was “Freedom,” progressing through the Steps with successive sessions entitled: “Freedom from Obsession”; “Were Entirely Ready”; “Pathway to Peace”; and “Of Myself I Am Nothing.” Saturday afternoon was devoted to sessions for couples, women and “recovering entrepreneurs,” which explored the lust-money-power connection. Saturday evening was devoted to the usual absurd quiz games, music, poetry and fun.

There were no visitors from outside Europe this time, but progress reports were made by members of the 21 groups currently meeting in various parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as reports from some of the 35 meetings in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, as well as France and Israel.

Next year’s European Convention is planned for Germany in October, 1999, and rumor has it the Israelis will host it in 2000. Please watch the Essay’s Calendar of Events for further details.

SA Europe now produces tapes of all UK and European events. These may be ordered from SA Tapes, PO Box 1914, Bristol, BS99, 2NE, UK. Tapes are available — at 1.5 pounds Sterling per tape (postage will be added) for the following events:

  • Ammerdown, Sept. 1996 (four tapes);
  • Damascus House, March 1997 (five tapes);
  • Ammerdown, August 1997 (five tapes);
  • Damascus House, March 1998 (five tapes).

Payment in Sterling only please, payable to SA Tapes.

Indrei R., UK

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