Expectations Are Premeditated Resentments

I identified with this expression the first time I heard it. How often had I worked myself into a lather of rage because people weren’t doing things MY way? How often had I sunk into despair because I was sure life was not working out well? The answer to each question was, “Every day!”

I wish that were an exaggeration. When I sobered up and began to recognize my actual behaviors towards others rather than my intentions, the impact of my self-centeredness became clear. Just as every encounter with a woman was evaluated for its lust potential, so every event or plan was evaluated for what it would do for me. When I finally wanted to stop lusting and stop the self-centeredness, the extent of my disease was embarrassingly clear.

The solution is simple and equally clear. Let Go and Let God. One Day at a Time. Surrender. All those simple program slogans focus on moving me and my expectations out of the center and replacing them with my Higher Power. They also steer me toward accepting the world on the world’s terms rather than my own. When I go that direction, the resentments fade and my serenity increases. The true freedom of our program lies not in my expectations but in accepting my life the way God gives it to me.

May each day be a new opportunity to see and welcome the world the way my Higher Power gives it to me. May my demands be replaced with gratitude. May Thy will be done.


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