Letter to My Higher Power

My loving Father,

How did I “come to believe” that You could restore me to sanity? Actually, You know that I’ve known that for a long time. I came to believe that You wanted my healing even more than I did. It was part of the faith I was taught, but it was hidden until it became real to me in a moment of insight years ago; You know how it happened. I can still picture the place that it happened, and I have known it ever since.

Even after obtaining this understanding, I was frustrated that You hadn’t yet healed me. Remember how I prayed last year in anguish, “When are you going to SAVE ME? Have you forgotten about ME?” You didn’t answer right away, but I knew in my heart You had heard.

Then You began a new work of grace in me this year. I didn’t see it coming. Your ways are mysterious, but I am accepting them. I am also coming to accept myself as I am and to appreciate my own needs, my desires and limitations, and how You work in me. I honestly have fewer expectations in life apart from what You Yourself will for me.

That brings me to “the decision” to turn over my will and my life. Why wouldn’t I do that? Your will is gracious and loving; and You only want what is for my benefit and the benefit of all other people in my life. Fighting against Your will has brought me frustration and evil—even when I had deluded myself into thinking I was right. Surrendering to Your will brings me peace; it is the easiest and best path.

My Father, I love You and I surrender myself to You. Take away all my delusions and my self-will. I have no fear as long as You are with me. Keep me sober just for today and help me to work “the Steps” every day. I am trusting in You to heal me and set me free.

Love, Your son,


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