What’s Going On in SA

Note from the Delegate Chair

Dear Fellow SA Members:

I look forward to seeing many of you at the Convention July 11-13 in Akron, and I hope that you will attend the SA business meeting (“SA Today”), which will be held during the convention. Throughout the year, your Delegates and Trustees have participated in SA committees, teleconferences, and face-to-face meetings. We also have two or three days of working meetings prior to the July convention. In preparation for these meetings, the International committees provide the Trustees with written reports that summarize the past year’s work. The Trustees approve these reports, and send them on to the General Delegate Assembly (GDA). The GDA considers all the issues, reasoning, and conclusions reached by the committees before voting to approve any actions. During the convention, “SA Today” gives the fellowship an opportunity to meet the Trustees and Delegates, to hear us report on our activities of the past year, and to ask questions. Please understand that there will not be enough time for us to present a polished report; however, we will present an overview of our services to the fellowship over the past year, and inform you of SA budget details, including how your donations are spent and why. Hope to see you in Akron!

In service,

Larry H., GDA Chair

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