Providing Translations Around the World

I’m Jerry L., Chair of SA’s Translations Committee (a subcommittee of SA’s Literature Committee). Our committee handles requests for permission to translate Sexaholics Anonymous and other SA literature from English into other languages. We assist in various ways such as providing contacts who speak the language being translated, offering translation assistance, and providing any other resources that are helpful, such as chips and English copies of SA literature. We also check and approve the linking of other countries websites to

Our main objectives are to ensure that translations are accurate, that the sobriety definition is not changed, and that no material contrary to our program has been added. We have received requests for assistance from many countries around the world.

Following are summaries of some current projects, including areas in which we could use more help.

Current Translations Committee Projects

Country: Status of Project: Help Needed:
Australia Ongoing contacts with SA fellowships.  
Egypt Members attempting to start SA fellowship in Cairo have requested permission to translate SA.  
England Ongoing contacts with SA fellowships.  
Greece Permission granted to translate SA into Greek. Translation checkers who speak Greek
Germany SA literature published in German. Ongoing contacts with SA fellowships.  
India/Pakistan Translation has begun for Urdu (language of Islamic population). Translation checkers and contact person
Iran Translation into Farsi has begun. Ongoing contacts with SA fellowships. Translation checkers who speak Farsi
Israel Ongoing contacts with local fellowships. Translation checkers available. More translation checkers & contacts who speak Hebrew
Japan Translation has begun.  
Kenya Translation has begun. Permission granted to change some language & add stories applicable to the culture.  
Korea Translation has begun. Ongoing contacts with local fellowships.  
Netherlands SA has been translated into Dutch. Book needs to be reviewed. Translation checkers and contact person.
Poland SA and some SA brochures have been translated into Polish. Translation has begun on Step Into Action and Recovery Continues.  
Russia SA translated and published; translation has begun on Step Into Action Series. Ongoing contacts with local fellowships. Additional translation checkers

When I first started as Translations sub-committee chair in 2006, I thought we might receive one or two requests for translations. At the time. I was Chair of the Literature Committee and Chair of the Delegates. We’d been receiving requests for permission to translate our literature and I had had some direct contact with the fellowship forming in Iran. I had sent them chips and an English copy of SA.

I’ve traveled and studied in Europe many times since 1985. I find the contact with other cultures challenging and broadening. It’s exciting to see the growing interest in SA around the world, and to have contacts with groups worldwide. I hope the spread of the fellowship into other countries will not only help them in their search for sobriety and sanity, but will help the fellowship in North America as well.

While I find the work of our committee interesting, at times I feel overwhelmed by all of the requests. We could use more translators in just about every language. For example, we have not yet identified a native speaker to help with the Egyptian translation when it arrives from Cairo. We also need members who can travel to these countries or who have contacts there, to serve as contacts with new groups. Additionally, we would like to coordinate more closely with the International Committee in the future.

If you would like to serve in the area of translations, please contact SAICO at or contact me at We would love to have you join us.

Jerry L.

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