What’s Going On in SA

Note from the Delegate Chair

Dear Fellow SA Members:

Question: What is the purpose of the Delegates?

Answer: To serve the fellowship. That’s why we are called “servants.”

The fellowship elects us, and trusts us to do what is best for SA as a whole and report back to the groups. The procedure developed through the years calls for groups to elect reps to the Intergroup, who elect reps to the Regions, who elect Delegates to the General Delegate Assembly. The GDA sets policy, elects Trustees, and helps Trustees implement the assigned tasks.

I write all this to emphasize that we are all just group members who have volunteered to make some payback to SA for the help we have received. My character defects and triggers remain; service has helped me to realize that I can now cope with them in a much better manner. As my sponsor puts it, “SA was here when I needed it, and it is my obligation to see that SA is here for the next person who needs it.” A very appreciated side benefit is that I have made many friends in this fellowship whom I would otherwise have never met.

I suggest you do yourself a favor: move further into working Step Twelve.

Larry H.

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