EMER Update

The Europe & Middle-East Region (EMER) combines the former UK and Ireland Region with Intergroups in Israel. EMER comprises seven Intergroups: Belgium (Flanders), Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and UK. It includes 120 SA Groups and 530 members. We are also building strong fraternal links with the German-Speaking Region and with the Iran Intergroup.

Our first year has witnessed many exciting developments, bringing new growth and hope. Our first-ever EMER Convention will take place in Warsaw October 25-27, 2013. Our second annual face-to-face EMER Regional Assembly will be held at the same time, cohosted with the local Polish Intergroup. The need in our member countries is great, but we believe that working together and by the grace of God we can bring the SA Solution to those who still suffer.

Francis C., EMER Vice Chair

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