¿Hablas español? Report from Spanish-Speaking SA

¡Hola amigos! Jim D. here—“Jaime” to those of you who speak Spanish. I’ve recently joined SA’s International Committee, to help coordinate outreach efforts in the Spanish-speaking world.

In addition to SA presence in Spain, we currently have meetings in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, and Venezuela. I would like to share a few reports from some of our members in South America:

  • In Caracas, Venezuela we have three members attending meetings.
  • In Colombia, we have 30 SA members. We recently held a regional meeting with members from five cities in Colombia. In June we’ll have a national meeting.
  • In Peru, five members currently attend meetings in Miguel. One member has six years of sobriety and another has more than a year. Members are available for sponsorship in Peru or abroad.
  • In Guatemala—even though we have a population of 15 million—we still have no SA group. We are seeking SA sponsors to help us. Sponsors could be English-speaking, as most people here speak English.

Are you a Spanish speaker? Or a frequent traveler to Spanish-speaking countries? You can help our international members by visiting them, attending meetings, and perhaps bringing SA literature. You can also offer sponsorship by phone or VoIP. Perhaps most important of all, you can offer friendship and sober support. If you’d like to help in our outreach to Spanish-speaking members, please write to me at jimd.essay@gmail.com. ¡Gracias!

Jim D., International Committee

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