Dear Essay,

Hello! I want to report from the Together And Never Alone Again Convention May 5-7, 2017. I can hardly digest the miracles and blessings that filled our weekend. Only that I cannot be thankful enough to Essay and to the entire fellowship for holding us in your hearts as well as in your prayers last weekend. We felt your support, really.

My vision for this event has always been that it would be solution focused, to the standards of an international convention and that the presence of the Higher Power would be felt strongly. Judging from the feedback, we received this and more. Feedback included a feeling of safety, connection, intimacy and moments of joy, laughter and tears.

I could not feel more proud of the committee, who made people feel at home and welcome with their friendliness, love and helpfulness. Our job was simply to gather people; Higher Power met them and moved within them.

Some stats to finish with: 55 registrants of which 3 were walk in. 13 kosher diets; 10 old-timers; 3 from Western USA Coast, 1 from Israel, 1 from Canada, 1 from Dublin, 1 from Germany, and the rest from Eastern USA.

Blessings to you all,



Dear Essay,

After 3 years of service as secretary of EMER (Europe and Middle East Region), I just rotated out. Padriac from Ireland has been elected as new secretary. It will be his pleasure now to provide you with news, convention flyers, minutes and other information from our Region.

Hope you will all stick around, and we will surely meet again on the road…

And try not to upset yourselves, have fun and be kind to yourselves and others :-)

Love and may God be with you. In Fellowship,


[Essay response: What a wonderful service you performed for EMER and for SA. Thank you!]


Dear Essay,

Hi all, I hope this email finds you well! I would like to give a brief report on my recent visit to the Polish fellowship.

I was very grateful to be asked to be the invited guest speaker at the recent convention in Gdansk, Poland and to travel to various meetings around the country. There were 200 people in attendance: 177 SA and the rest S-Anon. There was a CFC workshop with Eric via Skype and the budding Polish committee which was very effective.

I then traveled to a number of meetings around the country where I was guest speaker and had fellowship time with the members. Poland is a very vibrant fellowship thirsty for recovery and they had many questions to ask me. The desire for sobriety is very strong there and I was blessed to be able to share my experience.

As a woman I was treated with courtesy and my every need and potential difficulty was foreseen and taken care of. I stayed in members’ homes and where there were no females, in female friends of the male coordinators’ homes. A deeply enriching experience. This was my first time being sole invited speaker and I was a little nervous but the Higher Power carried me through.

In Fellowship,

Denise O.

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