What is emotional sobriety and how to attain it?
When we become sexually sober, life doesn’t stop happening. The WB comments on this: “… it is because and within these very problems that the program works! The program doesn’t work in a vacuum; it only works in the day-to-day ebb and flow of our lives. Trial, tribulation, and pain are the soil in which the steps can germinate, take root, and find fruition in our lives.” (SA 74)
This edition features stories of how SAs use the tools of the program and embrace the Fellowship to get through these tough times. The author of “Obstacles to Emotional Sobriety” describes how he, although sexually sober since 1984, cannot always call himself emotionally sober. A member from Ukraine tells us how his inner peace is his most important treasure in times of external war. Priscilla began living in the answer when she stopped living in the problem. An Iranian fellow discovered that by changing his attitude he found a truly spiritual way of life. And although her disease almost led her to somatic disorders and almost to suicide, an Egyptian member found new hobbies and skills to relieve her stress.
Remember that 2022 is the Year of CFC; read more about it on p. 30-31. Do you or your home group have a subscription to our full-color print magazine? If not, subscribe now: sa.org/store.
Send us your stories, meeting photos, and art work. We’d love to bring SA news from all over the world. Wishing you sexually and emotionally sober summer months!
In fellowship,
The Editorial Team