Coming in August

Coming Next

What is Lust?

NEXT EDITION—The August issue will try to deepen our understanding of the concept of lust, which is the indispensable key to sobriety and lasting recovery.

Love Is Much More
After three years of sobriety she discovered that obsession and emotional dependency still had a grip on her.

The HP Called Me Through SA
This man from Nicaragua found out that lust is a cancer of the soul and that SA could give him what no other fellowship could.

Worshiping Myself
In SA, he learned about the physical allergy to chemicals that were produced in his own brain when he was lusting and about the solution of reaching out to fellows and a loving God.



August 2024 edition: What is Lust? (Stories due July 1) Its focus on lust is what sets SA apart from the other S-fellowships and makes our fellowship so efficient.

October 2024 edition: Using the Literature of the Program (Stories due Sept 1) Many of us find that reading the AA and SA literature in our own quiet times adds another dimension to our recovery.

December 2024 edition: Sober Dating (Stories due Nov 1) Experience, strength, and hope on sober dating from fellows from all over the world.

February 2025 edition: God As We Understand Him (Stories due Jan 1) This phrase is perhaps the most important ex­pression in the AA vocabulary as it frames an open door to recovery for everyone.


Opinions expressed in ESSAY are not to be attributed to SA as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by SA or by ESSAY.

While we provide each magazine on PDF, as well as six selected articles in 10 different languages on our website at no charge, ESSAY is not free to produce. To support the ESSAY magazine in carrying the SA message worldwide, please make a contribution on

The ESSAY Editor

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