What’s Going On in SA

Goodbye, Hello, and Hello

Many of you have known and received orders for literature from Barbara, the Empress of Shipping here at Central Office. Barbara decided to retire and take a well-earned rest. We wish her the very best.

Some of you may have heard the introduction of Lisa at the Orange, CA convention. Lisa will be working on dragging our invoicing system into the Twenty-first Century. Currently, she has studied the old system and is working up a set of recommendations for changes. We hope to have this change accomplished before the end of the year.

When you need help with your literature orders, just call for Kimberly. She is in training and your kindness and patience are much appreciated. We miss Barbara already. However, she was on her way to an Alaskan cruise and waved, but would not stop. She mumbled something about sending messages by penguin.

Thank you, Thank you, Thanks

Central Office would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you who volunteered for phone service. Thank you for calling Central Office to offer your phone number as a contact for a newcomer. Someone usually called for that number about ten minutes later. Thank you for being a local contact for other members who travel. In an increasingly mobile society, it is very comforting to be able to phone someone and find out where the meetings are. Thank you to all of the patient group secretaries who kept your meeting list updated so that we had the very best information for traveling members. A big thank you to everyone who keeps in touch with other members of the fellowship. Meetings are great. There is no substitute for a meeting. However, it is a big globe and many members are far, far, far away from a meeting. My thanks to you for writing, phoning, and sending tons of email.

Kay Shotwell, SAICO

Increase in Rates

Included with this ESSAY is a new literature order form. Both the United States Post Office and UPS have increased their rates. This means an increase in shipping and handling rates for Central Office. Costs of shipping supplies went up, also. These increases are reflected on the new order form. Please discard all of your old forms dated before 02/02/2001 since their use could lead to errors in calculating shipping costs.

Talent Search 2001

Do you have special talents and abilities that you could share with the fellowship? Many opportunities for service are available. Please contact Central Office for more information.

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