SA Correctional Facilities Committee 2001 Report

Committee Members

Buddy S., Chair, Mid-Atlantic; Earl H., Southeast; Allen L., North Midwest; John C., Northeast; Keith S., North Midwest; William R., CFC Coordinator.

Sponsor-by-Mail Service

  • Keith S., MI, the coordinator of this service, reports that there are currently 177 inmates from 30 states that are being sponsored by 49 SA members. The number of inmates participating in the service has almost doubled since the end of June 2001.
  • We encourage local members and groups to consider carrying the SA message by sponsoring an inmate by mail. We can send them the Sponsor-By-Mail packet that offers a simple guideline for working the Steps.

Literature Service

  • In 2000, SAICO mailed 316 SA handbooks to inmates and correctional officials in the U.S. This represented a 35% increase over the previous year (1999). In 2001, SAICO mailed out 422 SA handbooks, a 34% increase over 2000.
  • We are now ordering SA handbooks for inmates through SA Publications. SA Publications has agreed to follow the same arrangements our committee previously had with SAICO. This allows us to purchase the books at cost and pay for the postage.

CFC Fund

  • This year members contributed $7,242 towards our work. We thank all of our members and groups for their generous contributions to our work. In 2000, members contributed $10,296, so giving has dropped off by about 30 percent. We are a self-supporting fellowship, so we hope this next year we can come closer to being financially self-sufficient as a committee.

Newsletter Articles

  • In the last several issues of the ESSAY there have been articles about an SA meeting that was started in a prison in Adrian Michigan. The meeting has been so successful that they have started a second meeting. Forty-seven inmate members now attend these two meetings. Some SA members on the outside who live within driving distance attend these meetings regularly.


  • Since we started keeping a database in 1997, we have communicated with inmates and/or prison officials from 46 states in the U.S.
  • We now have four correctional facilities in different states where the staff is willing to speak to the other facilities about the value of making SA meetings available to interested inmates.

Respectfully submitted,

William R., Correctional Facilities Coordinator

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