Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader,

Have you found something helpful in an issue of the ESSAY? Do you have something you can contribute to our quarterly? Would you urge another sexaholic or a local group to subscribe?

Hopefully you can answer, “Yes!” to all these questions.

Your feedback on the ESSAY is always welcome. You can subscribe through our website at www.sa.org, or send mail to the SA International Central Office, attention of the ESSAY editor. E-mail should be addressed to essay@sa.org.


ESSAY Editorial Committee


SA Meditation Manual Material Request

Contributions are needed for an SA book of daily thoughts and meditations. They do not have to be in “perfect” English. They will be edited. The book will have one thought for each day plus a separate entry for special celebrations without a fixed date: Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, various religious feasts, etc. The format is:

– a quote,
– a reflection on the quote/topic,
– a one sentence summary thought,
– and a short prayer.

Each entry should fit on one page. Send to SAICO, P.O. Box 3565, Brentwood, TN 37024-3565 or by e-mail to saico@sa.org.

Jerry L., Los Gatos, CA — SA Literature Committee Editor

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