What’s Going On in SA

SAICO Moved From Nashville to Brentwood

We personally believe that there is nowhere else as beautiful as Spring in Tennessee. If you think that your location is prettier, please send a photo. We would love to receive a photo from Australia where it is Spring when we are freezing. We can truly appreciate Spring this year gazing out the windows of the new location for Central Office.

The move went very well with only a glitch or two. Rather than whine about the problems, we would rather spend the time praising the character, good humor, diligence, and strength of the international team of members who moved Central Office. A huge “Thank you!” to Rick, Tony, David, Lincoln, Joseph, and Dave. You know that we could not have done it without you!

To make the transition smoother, we will maintain the old PO Box 111910 for a long time and the old phone contact, 615/331-6230. However, you should note the new PO Box 3565 and phone, 615/370-6062 and fax, 615/370-0882. The web site remains the same.

Now, how can you help, you ask?

Please, make a note of the new contacts. Write them into your White Book on pages 169 and 211.

Pass them along to your home meeting, your Intergroup, your region.

Do not assume that Central Office knows about your SA meetings. Let us hear from you. If you haven’t called or checked in or renewed your ESSAY this year, now is a good time to test the new phone number and make sure that it works for you. We will appreciate hearing from you and so will the inquirers who want to attend a meeting in your area.


Kay and Melissa, your SAICO staff

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