To Forget Is To Die

“Today I must be aware of my [sexaholism]. I cannot afford to believe that I have gained control of my [lusting]—or again I will think I have gained control of my life. Such a feeling of control is fatal to my recovery” (Daily Reflections, January 18).

I don’t just have a problem with sex—I have a problem with life. And whenever I forget this fact and begin thinking I’ve gained control of my life, that is when I am without defense against the first drink of lust.

There is this thing between my ears that is called a forgetter. Sexaholism is a forgetting disease. It’s almost like I have a learning disability in this one area, and if I don’t repeatedly hear the truth coming out of my own mouth and out of the mouths of others, then I forget. This is one reason why it’s so important for me to go to meetings and talk on the phone with other addicts. To forget is to die.


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