A Genuine Relationship with God

When I first came into the program, I had been a part of a prayer community. I thought I had a relationship with God. How surprised I was to learn the opposite! Not only did I not have a genuine relationship with God, I tried to manipulate Him in my everyday circumstances. I wanted to be God!

Only recently have I found that acceptance of His will for me is the surest way to find God in my life. Whenever I am unsure of what to do, uncomfortable, or afraid—that’s when I see God working great things in me. I used to think that I needed to be in control of every situation in order to find God. God, however, wants me to turn over every facet of my life to Him. The good with the bad, the easy with the hard.

It was very scary to begin the day by praying, “God, whatever you want to show me this day, I accept.” But whenever I pray like that nothing is a surprise to me. And God equips me with all I need to handle every situation. Because I’ve embraced His will in my life, everything that happens now is a great adventure. I need not be afraid. Because His hand is upon me, showing me which way to go.

God, whatever you want to show me this day, I accept.


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