What’s Going On in SA

News from the Board of Trustees and the General Delegate Assembly

In recent meetings by the Board of Trustees and the General Delegate Assembly, the Budget for this year was passed. A copy of the budget for 2007 is included with this issue in the Financial information insert. In order to have the Budget for next year approved and in place before the beginning of 2008, the budget process will start earlier in 2007. The goal is to have a draft budget the Trustees can consider at their July meeting in Adelphi, MD at the Live and Let Go convention. After Trustee approval, the budget will be forwarded to the Delegates for Assembly consideration and approval.

In other news, both the Trustees and the Delegates approved the next section of A Twelve & Twelve for SA, currently known as Step into Action. To join Step into Action One Two Three, there will be Step into Action Four Five Six Seven. The final spelling and comma checks are being done. Step into Action Four Five Six Seven is being published as a “work in progress.” That is a publishing term for a project that is not finished. What is needed to complete the project is your input. This book is for you. It does not become the work of the fellowship until you give something to it, or take something from it. We are trying to reach the largest possible audience of readers and writers for this project. Here are some ways you can help the Literature Committee finish the work remaining on this project:

  • Buy a copy of the book and use it with your sponsor or your sponsees.
  • Use it in your meetings.
  • Send your comments, additions, and corrections to saico@sa.org.

Note: Step into Action One Two Three is still open for comments.

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